Saturday, March 31, 2007

Where do I start?

I have just hit the four year anniversary of being diagnosed with Celiac Disease and being on the gluten free diet. What have I learned in these past four years? An awful lot! I've learned to focus on what foods I can eat, not on what I can't. I've learned that I love public speaking and helping people! That most people are willing to help me and my daughter navigate a world filled with gluten.

I hope to be able to keep up with this blog and make it interesting to readers. I love to write, I am not a professional writer by any stretch of the imagination though, so forgive any grammatical errors and errors in spelling!

My daughter is also gluten free, while I feel badly for her that she can't always eat what her friends are eating, I'm so glad that by figuring this out early on she won't have the same health issues I've had.

Chey will be 7 in just 2 weeks and I'm already worrying that her classmates won't want to eat her gluten free cupcakes. It hasn't happened before, but I've heard as kids get older, they can be cruel.

Oh, I forgot to mention, I've been doing Gluten Free Food Demos at several local health food stores on behalf of the chiropractor I work with, Dr. Joe Esposito (, and I'm really enjoying being able to share my love of cooking great tasting food with others.